Radio Frequency Vs Microcurrent Facial: Which is better?

Radio Frequency Vs Microcurrent Facial: Which is better?

Both Microcurrent Facial and Radio Frequency treatments are the future of non-invasive anti-aging treatments. But are they both the same? Well, no they might produce the same results but they function differently.

In this blog, we will explore the functionalities and the best solution for your skincare routine. So, let’s get started!


Microcurrent Facial

Microcurrent facial uses a low level of current which is similar to our own natural body energy current. It stimulates our skin cells to produce more collagen and activates our body’s natural detoxification process to make it look more youthful and sculpted.

Radio Frequency Treatment

Radio-frequency treatment is an aesthetic technique that uses radio frequency energy similar to the one you can find in your wifi or smartphones, to heat skin with the purpose of stimulating cutaneous collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid production. The main aim is to reduce the appearance of fine lines and loose skin. This treatment needs expert guidance or involvement and can.

Who needs to Avoid These Treatments?

Microcurrent Facial

This Facial is not suitable for people who have:

  • A metal or pacemaker attached to the body
  • Series of cuts, bruises, and lesions on face
  • Recently done botox or fillers
  • A baby in the womb or breastfeeding

Radio Frequency Treatment

You’ll want to avoid this treatment if you have:

  • Thin or sensitive skin
  • Chronic inflammatory skin conditions
  • Pregnant or just entered motherhood
  • Dental plates, metal implants, a pacemaker, or any type of device attached to your body


Microcurrent Facial

  • Can see results within hours
  • No downtime can apply makeup immediately afterward
  • Lifts the facial muscles
  • Non-invasive method
  • Can use it at home by yourself
  • Safe for all skin types

Radio Frequency Treatment

  • Results can be seen after few sessions
  • No injections and needles used
  • Very little side-effects
  • Can use to remove stretch marks too

Which one is better?

It is not really an easy choice but after consulting with experts we have found the following comparison and differences between both the methods:

  • Radiofrequency Treatment can cause burn on the foreheads and neck areas.
  • While Microcurrent Facial can be done at home, Radiofrequency is a little more complex and can only be performed in a clinic
  • After Radiofrequency Treatment there is a downtime of 48 hours, which means you can not apply any chemicals and products except for face moisturizer and sunscreen
  • Microcurrent Facial Devices have no downtime and you can immediately apply makeup and other products

Due to the above reasons, we personally recommend microcurrent devices over radiofrequency treatment. If you are interested to know more about the benefits and functionality of Microcurrent facial devices then you can write to our in-house expert.